Thursday 20 June 2013

Large Degenerative Hemorrhagic Sessile Subserosal Uterine Fibroid

35 year old female patient presenting with abdominal distention and  pain.

Axial T2

Axial T1

Axial T2 fat saturation

Axial T1 Fat saturation

Coronal T2

Sagittal T2

Large lobulated heterogeneous mass filling the pelvis and extending into the abdomen lying in close approximation to the anterior aspect of the uterus. 

The mass demonstrates multiple large cystic components – high signal on T2 and low signal on T1.

Mass also demonstrates central large hyperintense component on T1 and T2 (*) that does not show drop in signal on T1 & T2 fat saturation sequences indicative of hemorrhagic component.

Multiple flow voids seen along the interface of the fibroid and the uterus.

Diagnosis: Large anterior sessile subserosal fibroid with cystic and hemorrhagic degeneration.

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